It’s the little things that can be the BIG things!
I was in Maui, Hawaii on vacation meditating away with gorgeous energy from the island. I get why they call the island Maui the heart chakra of the world. It truly is blessed with energy that heals. I loved it and was healed from it. Any time you can put your toes or...
I think growing up Catholic one of my favorite part of the mass was turning to a neighbor and saying the phrase; “Peace be with you”. Strangers let their guard down to give peace to their neighbor. (Except during the cold season.) “Peace be with you“ really means...
What is a Life Imprint? An Imprint is what your soul has picked to be a part of this world. It is the choice of your soul to make a difference in this world. It’s the official agreement between your soul and humanity. So patterns are created for you and others to...
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