
If I had a Family Member Missing What Would I Do? A Psychic Medium’s Perspective

SearchingAccording to LostNMissing, Over 2,000 people go missing in the United States each DAY! Yes, you read that right. Can you imagine the thousands in grief surrounded by just one missing person—unbearable. I remember just once I lost my 2 1/2 year old son. I was visiting my parents in Michigan for their 50th Wedding Anniversary and my daughter Avery’s Christening. I also was pregnant with Haley at the time. (When I look back I don’t how I did all that!) I was drying my hair, Avery was down for a nap and Matt was playing in the living room. I had my instinct to check in on him. I walk into the living room. He is not there! I go down stairs and I find the back door which I had locked open. Mr. Houdini had made his escape!. A panic like I had never felt went through me. I ran to my parents neighbors to help find him. He did not know where he was, he did not talk well and I then called the police crying. My parents had a lot cops and fireman on their street and they came out of their homes to look for him. And so the search began.

We found him 45 minutes later when neighbors and police went door to door and a baby sitter had let him in the house three doors down to play with the kids thinking he was a part of the neighborhood!  I remember crying, kissing him while holding my three month old baby and feeling so thankful and grateful. I know now, that experience had to happen in my lifetime so that I really understand the fear in person when their loved one goes missing. It is animalistic at best to describe the situation of trying to recover your loved one.

For years, I have worked on cases using my abilities to create what I call my Psychic Press Release to attempt to find the missing. What’s a Psychic Press Release? That would be the Who, What, When, How and Where this person is. Based on my public relations background, I dive into a case.  I ask questions about the case and the hardest question is always:  Is this person dead or alive? I always pray for the later. It’s not always the case.

So if I had a child missing today this is what I would do…


1) Hire a Private Detective ASAP

Hire Local – Ideally it’s to hire someone local to your State and city so you will have a check and balance with your State/ FBI investigation. That way you have proper investigation and someone who knows the ropes in this field. I am not saying detectives don’t do a good job, you just want to hire someone who will monitor that they are doing a good job!

2) Contact the Media

Don’t be afraid of the media. The Media is your best friend and will always be your best friend when a person is missing. It will keep his or her or story alive. When I have seen families shy away from the media they usually have something to hide and it bothers me. Your loved ones need you and the representation in the media is huge. Please don’t ever discount it. Your case is newsworthy and it is free. Never ever be shy with the media and their contacts. Go for It 24/7.

3) Use Social Media

Use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Also use any other tools you can find such as Missing persons sites like my favorite www.lostnmissing.org who will assist you in promoting your case. USE IT OFTEN.

4) Use Print Media

Try posting on a Billboard. This is your job and your only job now is to work with the authorities and promote the hell out of your missing person and use any means possible.

5) Get a Spokes Person

Your Private Investigator can be your spokes person as well to your case and will know exactly what they should say on the case. They have years and years of training to help you so let them.

6) Stay in Contact with Investigative Team

The squeaky wheel gets the detective hit…Don’t ever let your investigative team get lazy or compliant. Stick on em like glue calling for direction and make your tax dollars work for your case. If the detective assigned to your case gets lazy, request to their sergeant for them to be dropped off the case and get fresh eyes in another detective.

7) Contact a Psychic

You should also be calling in on a Psychic, a really good team of them to give you information. Contact a Spirit Artist and ask them to draw a sketch of the perpetrator. These people will draw faces of what they see, of whom may have taken your person or possibly whom the person is with. When you get information from a Psychic don’t sit on it. As a psychic, I walk the talk and I know people who do the same as me and we are not the police but, we can provide assistance with details so that detectives can research. “I work to assist the people who are missing. That’s it, nothing more.”

So of all those 2,000 people missing each day who are they? They are Developmentally Challenged, Military, Special Needs, Divorce Kidnappings, Kidnappings and Crime Scenes nothing that anyone in this world wants to be apart of for a missing category.  So these vulnerable people are who, I work for when I do a case. I am happy to work for them and try to use my psychic detective skills to provide information for them. I remember that parent’s anguish of not finding my son. I DON’T WANT THE WORLD TO EVER FEEL THAT.

I have been there and done that on many sides of an investigation. I hope you never have to take my advice from this blog but if you do please follow it.

Always Stay Safe,
Kelle Sutliff


"Enriching clients lives who are at a crossroads, experiencing unresolved issues or dealing with loss by offering inspiration, comfort and closure through psychic and spirit communication."

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