Author D.D. Marx interviews Kelle Sutliff

Author D.D. Marx interviews Kelle Sutliff

D.D. Marx interviews Kelle Sutliff Listen UP! The Other Side is Talking….. April 30, 2015 I recently sat down with Kelle to interview her about her gift and to satisfy my never-ending curiosity of hearing from my loved ones. They came through loud and clear...
Medium’s book earns Mom’s Choice Award nod

Medium’s book earns Mom’s Choice Award nod

Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Andover author Kelle Sutliff’s book, “Listen UP! The Other Side IS Talking,” has been named a Silver Award Recipient by The Mom’s Choice Awards for the best family-friendly media, products and services for parents and educators. The Mom’s...


"Enriching clients lives who are at a crossroads, experiencing unresolved issues or dealing with loss by offering inspiration, comfort and closure through psychic and spirit communication."

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