When You Make It On The Big Board and Now What?

Our Souls are constantly telling us to: “Do Better”, “Think Smarter”, or “Make Good Choices” but sometimes, I admit my soul is a bit like my Mother. Her words were always “Be Careful”. If my kids were on a game show and the question was; “What is the phrase your Mother will say when you are walking out the door? My kids would hands down get the answer right; “Make Good Choices”. They’ll tell you it’s been instilled into them since age four. To date, it is the funny text that is sent or phrase spoken that can often turn into a joke between us. Every time they go out it is said to them, “Make good choices”. “I know, I know”… is the response from them.
Recently at my new office location I noticed on the directory in the lobby my name was listed. It gave me a pause to reflect on my journey and the symbolism of being on the big directory board. As you’ve grown up you may have built your life (as I have) around “do better, think smarter, and make good choices” and one day you finally make it on the big professional and personal board in life. It’s pretty cool to say, you have worked hard to be given the fortitude of accomplishment. No one truly can claim it but you and your soul. Sure, you may have had some lucky timing with your career or sat next to the cute guy on the airplane (yes, that’s how my husband and I met). A shout out to Northwest Airlines for flying Detroit to Boston back in the day. Rows 17 A and B generated 25 years of marriage and three kids in three years. I think we liked each other… It all came with soul growth in “do better, think smarter, and make good choices”. Life was not always easy, it was challenging but our souls kept helping us along to make it in the growth.

Those last three words are super important “make it in the growth”. How often do we quit halfway and throw relationships or opportunity away because it is too hard for us?
Spirit is here to tell you to stop quitting on yourself. I am here to say, as a Psychic Medium your soul never gives up on you. It is you who gives up on you. What do you think you are not good enough or something? You are good enough. Your soul wants to remind you it made you. You are the good choice it partnered with, no one else but, you. Your soul is the commanders of love the creative and the accomplishment of centering all of you daily.
You get outta sync and you start to screw up—not well. So STOP making yourself that hot mess. You are hard on yourself and you so don’t need to be. Rely on your soul and your sense of well being that you yourself partnered with. Your best friend is named ‘Soul”. Your soul’s energy is your biggest cheerleader. It is what has gotten you to the top of the Big Board in life. Just continue to pause think through your plans and goals and you will make “the good choices”. One day you will look back as I have and be thankful and realize, Wow! I made it on the big board with a lot of growth, choices, smarts, and few be carefuls. (Except when you have three kids in three years and really like each other.)
Congratulations! You have made it.