Magical Tears
Do you need a good cry?
2020 and this shift in energy has done that for many of us, hasn’t it? So much death and despair for everyone across the world from the pandemic.
I look back on all the dynamics of this year so far and I think Wow! How am I still standing? But I am.
• I had a son break his ankle with a major surgery where he had to learn to walk again. I helped him heal.
• Our dog Mabel died.
• My daughter’s College Graduation was canceled by Tufts University.
• We were selling our home in Boston and then a pandemic hit and it became an even slower process to close. The prayers I sent to St Joseph and finally had to call St Expedite in to join the prayer chain to get it done.
• And I also managed to do 4 moves in a 4- week time frame. I am truly not kidding on that one! I moved:
• My son to his Boston apartment.
• A daughter off to her last year of college at Michigan State (another plane ride).
• My other daughters move home from college and a cross country move to NC all in the month of August! Never ever do that process like I did.
Love and Loss
The hardest part of 2020 was that my dear Mom had a stroke in April at age 91 and died two months later in June at her home.
During that time frame, I was living between three states MA, MI, and NC. I traveled on planes 9 times and I had to bury my mother but I was so blessed I got to be with her during this pandemic, so many people did not get that closure.
My family was having all these new beginnings and fresh starts but we were saying good-bye to the dearest gal we all loved so much our Mimi and our Mom.
So when I say tears are magical they are. They help us through the difficult times in our lives. Tears are meant to heal that’s why they taste salty because its always a “salty situation” your crying over. We cry when we are mad and sad and find relief in anticipation of joy and reward.
It’s when we deny ourselves that power of crying that we get all pent up with frustration and some people feel they have to put on “a good front” not to cry.
If my mom were here she would say, “If you want to cry just cry Kel and follow it up later on with a “Honey, do you feel better?” If I had a reply for her I would say, “Trust me, Mom, I sure did cry those tears! I’d cry in the shower before I would go to bed and sometimes in the car while driving and amazingly I could manage that daily if I needed too! “ Kleenex was my best friend especially the ones with aloe in them.

My message to everyone is:
• Listen to my dear Mom’s advice and go ahead and cry because you will feel the tender magic of healing yourself if you do.
• God gave you those tears for a reason so use them! It is amazing how you think you can’t shed another tear and then you can. The till just fills back up!
After the magic has been done (the crying) how do you feel?
I always feel relaxed and that I am more grounded. I sorted through my emotions and I feel that healing crying gave me.
Our souls need peace as we are so constantly busy in our day, so when we make the break to align with our tears. You will begin to balance.
Thank you, God, for giving us those waterworks they are pretty amazing when you need them.
They help you stand a little taller realizing that you can handle just about anything.
So yes, I am still standing with a little help from my tears. They sure did create a little magic when I needed them most.