
Give Thanks To Your Loved Ones… When You Give, You Get.

As American Thanksgiving approaches next week and we prepare for the big feast …

We will be seeing relatives some we like and some we don’t. It can be a strained day for many. Some days you just have to rise above situations and people and show love, plain and simple. As a Psychic Medium, I am a firm believer that we have to say our thanks and “love you’s” while we are here on Earth not grieve for a person because we did not “get” to say those words to them before they die. When I hear the word “Get” from clients I am reminded that is a selfish word. You don’t “get” anything. You are only to give and then you can “get” but only if you give, if that makes any sense to you?

Let me explain my reasoning It’s real simple because you have had a whole lifetime to connect to those relationships. Think about it… you have had 30 40 sometimes 50 years to spread love and communication and create bliss in relationships but sometimes relationships can be so strained, selfish and rude that you harden and how sad is that? Here is a solution some days it may kill your ego but once in a blue moon try tossing the olive branch towards someone who is difficult. If they don’t reciprocate you will have known you tried and your ego will start healing. It’s the only opportunity in your lifetime that it is really “all about you.”

In my line of work, I hear daily that “I wish I would have said, I love you” or “Thank you” to a past loved one. I hear those phrases all too often!

Don’t wait to go to a medium to connect to get your last complimentary words in to this person. It’s much easier to do it while they are still living and it will be cheaper!

To say I love you and thank you is free. To harbor ill will that is karmic and as my Mother (MiMi) always says, “What goes around, comes around.” Or one of her famous statements at the wise age of 89; “You never know what’s around the corner…” I grew up in the Midwest and we have a million sayings to get our point across. I threw my daughters East Coast friends off one night before they went out and I said, ”Girls, keep your nose clean!” They all looked at me strangely and said to Haley, “I think your Mom wants us to stay out of trouble.” They got the point. I heard that one from my Mom too growing up. It’s true, be careful with your choices. To this day I am 52 and if I am going out somewhere my Mother will tell me to “Be Careful” I take great comfort in that still.

My Mom is traveling with my daughter who is coming home from college for Thanksgiving. Haley is my out of state tuition child but she is happy and that’s all that matters! We have three in college right now, rudely all three bills are on my kitchen counter. Today they came in the mail. I know, give thanks it’s hard on those days, but we have too remember what “we give we get” and that would be three good citizens with great careers ahead of them.

So as MiMi arrives for the holiday take her advice and wisdom;

“What goes around comes around.”

“Keep your nose clean.”

“Be Careful.”

Because … “You never know what’s around the corner.“

And I will add the last one saying “I love you” and “thank you”.

I love you Mom and I thank you Mom.

Happy Thanks-giving Everyone,


"Enriching clients lives who are at a crossroads, experiencing unresolved issues or dealing with loss by offering inspiration, comfort and closure through psychic and spirit communication."

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