2018 Predictions From Psychic Medium Kelle Sutliff
This is the year all about partnerships, hope, and promise for the good of self and mankind.
2018 brings a TWO Year into our world according to numerology. If you take 2018 and add up those numbers 2+0+1+8=11. The yearly cycles are 1-9 therefore you cannot have an 11-year so you add the 1+1 and it =TWO.
Many people will change their lifestyle. It’s a great year to lose the extra pounds and create a new body. Remember this year is everything partnering – new business, new relationships, and NEW YOU!

- 2018 brings on a new attitude. The media and people will start to learn to be more respectful and civil. On certain days it can be trying – do we live in a gossip column world or do we want honest factual reporting? No more hypersensitive reporting. The world doesn’t care for it and ratings will drop significantly for certain biased stations.
- A major news outlet will be hit with a huge defamation lawsuit that will almost ruin its network. Pay attention to fall of 2018. This suit will shape up all news media. “If it can happen to them it can happen to us. “ NEWS GAME CHANGER.
More perpetrators to come out in Hollywood, Politics, and Media regarding sexual abuse in the workforce even women being exposed for their actions in 2018. The universe is cleaning house in these types of industries so the illusion is currently being taken away. Especially the first three months of the year.
- You will see a lot of countries partnering, remember it’s the year of the partner (#2 Year) I see British Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel working a lot together. Their countries will strategize on what to do with the implosion of immigrants coming into their country.
- Europe will put together a task force in dealing with the proper vetting of illegal aliens. I see France, Italy, Sweden, and Germany on Board with this, almost UN like but in a different form, again partnering.
- Big caution around socialist countries working more like communist deity – not a good look and no one in that land is going to stand for it! You will see more frustration in European and even Canadian countries in 2018 especially in July and August and September.
- The usual suspects in terrorism acting out this year. The world will foil their many attempts, including from North Korea. It’s not just the US involved. It will be many countries working to thwart these terrorist activities. Remember partnerships working together. Watch for water and soil contamination around these issues.
- Crypoto-Currency gets competitive in 2018 and other companies get involved. Let the Bitcoin legacy begin… It will need at least 2 to 3 years to understand and know it’s real value, very inflated right now. It will become a highly taxable currency so value gets deflated until people can understand and trust it and figure out how it can really work, again…a few years down the road.
- Bond market gets strong in 2018.
Economic Growth
- Americans can count on a strong economy with more growth than the past 10 years.
- 2018 economically feels very 1978ish. You are going to see it as a strong economy year based on GDP (gross domestic product), money earned and spent by society, and The Gross National Product on the rise too.
- Financially it will be a great year. Jobs and investments are back and it will continue with lots of companies partnering and merging.
Get ready to build, build, and build. Lots of infrastructure work on subways and bridges and highways. - The boating industry and seaways will become productive again – part of capitalism this year.
President Trump tweets calm down (kind of) and he will continually be investigated until year 3 then it’s a wash. He’s on point in growing this country. He will go through lots of cabinet members like former President Obama did. More cover-up found on the Clintons in 2018.
Natural Disasters
Our earth plate is shifting so no surprise for earthquakes and volcano eruptions. South Pacific areas specifically hit a lot around full moon cycles for the year. Poor California continues to struggle with drylands and recovery.
You will see many groups coming together in prayer. A unity like we have never seen before. I see a symposium of ministers, rabbi’s priests, monks all religious gathering to pray for the good of our world.
It’s a Boy! For Prince William and Kate but this baby looks like his Mom lots of dark hair.

2018 economically feels very 1978ish. The highest grossing film in 1978 was “Grease” with the Theme song; “You’re The One That I Want”. Much like the title of the song, you will be wanting more in your life from material things to new relationships to cooperating acting governments, to creating hope and lifestyle changes for yourself and our own beloved world.
Here is your motto for 2018–
“Even though it will be an emotional year for many, don’t be defeated, be a winner. Be open to the opportunities that bring more light into your life.”
With that I say, have a beautiful bright year.
Many blessings in your next year,